Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Welcome new members!

(Click here for BRWAA agreement)

Hello everyone,

Over the past few months, we have been working on building the number of participating homes, to lower the costs per household by as much as possible.

Now due to the recent decision of Northway Water Co-Op #2 to join the group, we are receiving a huge number of new entrants into the water project very rapidly.  At this moment, including that trust, we have 116 members of the BRWAA, and that number should continue to climb.  This is well above the 50 or so members we expected to sign up from the outset.

As each additional household enters into the association, the price will continue to fall.  At this point, because the news is so new, we are adjusting and reacting as quickly as possible to the influx of new members.  Due to the fluidity of the situation, we do not have specific pricing but it will continue to lower as each additional household enters into the association.

At this time, we believe that every single member signed to the BRWAA should be serviced by city water, and not one single signed up member will be denied access to the water infrastructure due to lack of interest near them.  The city water project will encompass almost the entire neighborhood, and will provide water access to just about the entire area.

Tomorrow Evening (December 20) actions will be taken by the Village Board regarding the financing aspects of the project.   It is preferable that everyone who is interested in participating in the city water project sign up for the project by 12 noon on that day.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or would like some more information.  To sign up for the project, please print out The Bayside Residential Water Access Association agreement is available from the following link below:

Bayside Residential Water Access Agreement

To sign up or city water, please sign and notorize the agreement.  The best way to get this back to us would be to drop it off at Village hall (for convienience, there is also a notary at Village hall).

We are also asking for an up front payment of $300.  If for some reason we are unable to service your residence with the city water infrastructure, this payment will be returned to you.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, at

Thank you much

... Howard