Saturday, January 28, 2012

Meeting date set

Hello Neighbors,

Well, the survey is complete and we recieved some very useful results.

Approximately 1 out of 3 homes surveyed responded, and 5 out of 6 of those responses showed at least some level of interest in obtaining city water for their homes.

For those of you who responded to the survey, thank you for taking the time to do so.  Using this data we will be able to come up with possible route and cost scenarios, which we can present to the community.

Almost all of the survey responses also showed interest in attending a meeting, so they could learn more about the city water project.  A meeting is ideal, becuase it will make it easier to lay out the different scenarios, and explain the various costs and options avaialble.
So, we have arranged for a meeting to be held on the following date and place:

Time: Tuesday, February 7th, 6:30pm
Place: Bayside Village Hall (located at 9075 N. Regent Rd)

At the meeting we can discuss the results of the survey, the benefits of a city water conversion, some proposed routes, and of course the financing and the costs (which is what everyone wants to know).  We can then answer questions anyone may have.

Hope to see you all there!

... Howard

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Whose water is it?

Hello neighbors,

So it has been a few days since the surveys were sent out, and so far we have been able to collect a lot of good data from fair number of respondents so far, but of course it could be a lot better.    For those of you who have responded to the survey, thank you so much for doing so.   These survey responses will do a lot of good, not just for those who will ultimately switch to city water, but to the rest of the neighborhood as well…

I have personally made it a point to call or email back anyone and everyone that calls the phone number (215-0671) or emails the address (, to address all concerns and questions anyone may have.   Please, if you have questions or would like to know more feel free to call or email me with your message, and I will make sure to get back to you within a day.

One question (or misconception) that keeps popping up from people calling or emailing in is that there are concerns that the water from the Mequon water utility is coming from the wells in Mequon, and that the Mequon wells may have bad quality water.   People would prefer that the water come from Milwaukee instead of Mequon.

The Mequon water utility actually does not obtain its water supply from Mequon, and in fact they obtain their water supply from Milwaukee.  More specifically, to service this area, the Mequon water utility obtains its water supply from the North Shore Water Commission, which is the same entity that services Glendale, Whitefish Bay, and Fox Point.   The water is treated Lake Michigan water coming from the North Shore filtration plant, which is located near Nicolet high school. 

Please be assured that the water we are bringing in to this community is amongst the highest quality water in the country, and is tested and treated before it is pumped to the homes in the North Shore.

Again, I would like to thank everyone who has responded to the survey so far.   For those of you that have not responded, please make sure to do so by a week from Monday, January 16th.

Hope all is well,

… Howard

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Letter and surveys sent out

Hello neigbors, and welcome!

My name is Howard, I am the trustee of the Northway Water Co-Op #1, and I live in the neighborhood here on Navajo road.

If you are viewing this site, that means that you have received the survey in the mail, and would like to know more about the city water project we are launching for this subdivision.

First of all, thank you for taking the time to read the letter, and for taking the time to visit this blog site. We sent out more than 200 surveys throughout the subdivision, and it is our hope that with this outreach we will find many more households in the area that are as frustrated with the water situation as we are, and would like to do something about it.

The blog site will be used to help keep everyone informed of the latest project developments, and answer questions people may have.  Please send your questions to the email address:, and I will either answer it with an email, or post it to the blog as part of an FAQ so I can answer it for everyone.

If you haven't done so already, please head over to the survey site at and take a few minutes to answer the survey.   If you answer the survey online then there is no need to fill out and return the survey on paper.  Answering the survey does not commit you to anything or exclude you from anything, we simply want to use it to collect information at this point.

Again, welcome to the blog site and thank you for taking the time to answer the survey.   There are sure to be some developments over the next few days, so please keep checking back for the latest information.

Hope all is well,

.... Howard