Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bayside Residential Water Access Association

Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for all who attended our meeting tonight..  The Bayside Residential Water Access Association agreement is avaialble from the following link:

Bayside Residential Water Access Agreement

The last page has the contact information sheet, which will explain the steps necessary to join the association.  

Basically we ask that you sign and notorize the agreement, and get it back to us either by mailing it back to me, dropping it off at my paper box, or dropping it off at Village hall (there is also a notary at Village hall)

We are also asking for an up front payment of $300.   This payment will be returned to you if it is determined that we are unable to service your residence with the city water infrastructure.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, at

Thank you much

... Howard

Public meeting venue change

Hello everyone,

Due to the possibility of a high turnout at the city water project meeting, the meeting place has been changed to the Bayside Middle School, at 601 E. Ellsworth Lane.  The meeting will be held in the school cafeteria at the same time (7:00pm)...  I apologize for the confusion and the late notice, but hopefully we won't have to crowd in so much over there..

.... Howard

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Public meeting date set

Hello neighbors,

Today I sent out some mailers to inform the neighborhood that we have another public meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00pm, to be held at Village Hall the Bayside Middle School Cafeteria.

The purpose of the meeting is to update everyone on our progress, and to inform the public on what steps have to be taken in order to formally join the project.   There will be more details in the days to come, but please remember to reserve the date if you would like to find out more and have your questions answered in a public forum.

Also, I will be attending the village picnic on Saturday September 8th at Ellsworth Park.   I am not sure exactly where I will be situated, but you can find me by looking for a large posterboard sign labeled "City Water Project" or similar.   Please stop by and I will be glad to have a one-on-one discussion with you.

As always, please feel free to email, or call my phone number, and I will be glad to discuss any aspect of the project.   You can always see the email address and other contact information by selecting "Contact Information" under "Pages", to the right.

.... Hope to see you at the picnic, and I hope to see you at the meeting!

.... Howard